Summer Camp

To review dates, prices, and descriptions, please refer to our registration page. (See Below.) If you have already registered, please use the Parent Dashboard. (Click button above.)

Summer Camp email:    (Please use this address to correspond with your camper. )

To review descriptions of the camp, please refer to our brochure. (Click button above.)

2024 Summer Camp Schedule

Leadership Camp              $325

June 9-14                  8thand older

Wrangler in Training         $325

June 9-14                  9th and older

57 hour Riders                    $250

June 12(8 am)-14(5pm) 4th-12th

57 Hour Tree House          $200

June 12(8 am)-14(5pm)      2nd-5th

Riders 1                                $450

June 16-21                4th-8th

June 23-28                6th-12th

July 7-12                    4th-12th

Riders 2                                $450

June 23-28                5th-12th

July 7-12                    5th-12th

Riders 3                                $450

July 7-12                    6th-12th

48 Hour Tree House          $175

July 10-12                  2nd-6th

72 Hour Tree House          $210

June 11-14                2nd-6th

July 7-10                      2nd-6th

Outdoor Adventure           $375

June 23-28                4th-10th

Night Owl                              $375

June 23-28                7th-12th

Splash                                   $375

June 16-21                4th-9th

Day Camp                            $175

June 17-21                K-6th

June 24-28                K-6th

July 8-12                    K-6th   

Mountain Bike                     $400

June 16-21                4th-9th

July 7-12                    6th-12th

THRIVE                                 $375

July 14-19                  6th-12th


All multi-generation camps are $175 for the first 2 people in a family, $50 for each additional person.

Family Camp           

June 28-30 (Treehouse accommodations only)

July 5 – 7    (Indoor climate-controlled accommodations available based on availability.)      

Mother/Daughter tbd

Camp Fees

A $50 non-refundable deposit is due at time of registration.

The remaining amount is due one week prior to camp.

NOTE: Check with your church for possible camp scholarships. No child or adult will be turned away for lack of money. If you are in need of a scholarship, please call 217-939-9706.


Yes – you can come to Riders 1 camp and come back to Riders 2 another week.

Yes – you can come to Riders 2 camp and come to Riders 3 camp if you are going into 8th grade.

Yes – Jensen Woods Camp is adhering to all CDC guidelines to ensure proper safety protocol has been taken.

What time is drop-off/pick-up? – For overnight camps, the pick-up and drop off times are 5 pm.
Family/Mother daughter camps the arrival time is 7-8 pm, departure time is 3-4pm.
Day Camp Drop-off 7:30-8 am Pick-up 4:30-5:30pm.

What do I need to pack? Packing List – Jensen Woods Camp

Contact Information

Camp Phone: 217-939-9706


Early Bird Discount $20 -Register by April 20.

Previous Camper Referral Discount: Refer a new camper and receive a $20 Referral Discount. (Both campers must register and pay in full to receive discount.) Call 217-939-9706 for a coupon code.